So I see it. The culmination of this “7” global year is apparent and this month, December, 2015– a global “8” year will reveal itself. The 7 resonates with the energy of the solitary, loner, mystical, deep, intuitive and spiritual side of our selves and life in general. We question and look deep inside in a 7 year… we wonder what our purpose is, who we are and why we are here. It can be an uncomfortable year. We sometimes regress into the darker side of ourselves. In fact, if you looked at the first six months of this year, it looked like an epic battle between light and dark. Personally, the 7 makes us go inside and examine our selves and our motives.

What I “see” is the emergence of the spirit in it’s power. Go back to last month’s blog- where I spoke about how sometimes it looks like the denser pieces of us are in control or being triggered, that the spirit is no where to be found– yet it is deep inside, we are not disconnected from it, instead it is like a dormant seed waiting to be activated. Well this month is when it is activated.

December is the month where the Soul of us shows it’s power and strength… where it reveals itself for all the world to see… where it steps into purpose and service and where the power of the Soul creates profound changes for us personally and contributes to the collective change. Some will be thrust forward. Some will find their voice. Some will exert a will that was not shown before. Some will find the courage, will power and decisiveness to make changes we did not think were possible and some of us will experience life altering changes that allow a purpose and or destiny to be fulfilled.

Last month there was a Soul filled internal call to action and if you answered with “I have no idea how to do this” you were in the right place. The revelations through each day (sometimes through each hour) were showing and revealing the how. It would have been one action-thought-idea at a time, not a whole big story. You might have found yourself putting one foot in front of the other with no idea where it was going. Or it might have been a concept of what needed to be formed or done, but completely out of your frame of reference or expertise. Looking back from the beginning of November to the end, it might feel like you have learned so much or have grown light years in a specific area, not even knowing why or if you wanted to grow in this way at all.

This month the “how” continues as you have been following the leads and moving forward only now it feels more formed, clearer and well, possible!

So it looked like this–

Early November: I think I need to stop drinking, I would love a healthy romantic relationship, I want to earn more money, I want to find a new place to live, I don’t know what I want to do with my life, I do know what I want to do with my life, I want to find a new job—– but I don’t even know how to begin (this last statement is key as it means your mind is not in control your Spirit is)

2nd November: I seem to be aware of myself and what triggers me to want a drink, and I still very much want one and sometimes I take one or more, but it’s not serving me anymore, or, I am noticing what people in healthy relationships look like, it is as if they are all around me, or, I am aware that the money I am making is unsatisfactory and my discontent is allowing me to get past my inertia, self doubt, fear, insecurities blah blah blah, or when I was a kid I always wanted to be a teacher, or I know I want to be a teacher but instead of going back to college, I am going to learn cpr/zumba/reiki and be an instructor (or I am looking into 2 or 4 year programs for school), or, I have just started searching the web for career opportunities in Dallas… you get the idea

3rd week– taking inner guided actions on above. Still not clear of if it is right action but receiving a lot of intervention and support from spirit that is either saying “Stop or Go” red light, green light I call it. Now here is the tricky part… you would be encountering the inner saboteur, or self doubt, or you would be over-ruling the intuition or by passing the intervention but this false Ego self will have soooo much less power and control that you easily swat it away.

4th week– you are speaking your intentions out loud. You are telling the world. You are admitting and revealing your changes, thoughts, feelings, intentions. You can’t even believe what coming out your mouth but as you hear yourself you know you can’t take it back… and as you finish up these last few days… your path is clear, you actions may still be in the thought/mental phase but they are defined and organized and just waiting to be activated.

And here we come to December…. the prelude to 2015- an 8 year– a year of power! It is where the vision becomes a reality. It is the year of achievement, reward, organization, success and authority. Now, we will all be in a personal year as well as vibrating with the global 8 (2+0+1+5=8) (we can discuss that in the January 17th webinar to greater extent) but the 8 global year resonance will be a year where we exert our “Soul Power” in one or more areas of our life and in this world. The areas of our life would be — health, work, relationship and finances– this is what every human being deals with in life on Earth.

December will show us how far we have come since January 2014– how much work our Soul has been doing and how much it has evolved and grown. December is the month that we will be standing more firmly in our Soul Power- speaking and expressing it out–claiming ourselves- owning our power and shining our light into this world and into our life. It is a month where we see ourselves not just for our physical part, but for our infinite being. It is where we feel the hope and positivity within our Spirit without a reason why. It is where we come to understand the infinite possibilities of our life and reach for them. We still won’t know how to do this ( or how to do all of it) and some of it will still be more nebulous than solid but that is good… because we are ready and we are excited. Let it continue to reveal itself. You don’t have to force, or look, or control or make it happen- it just will. Your Soul has the juice now to do it and your little ego is no match.

We will reflect on our progress in a more detailed, focused way in the December 30th webinar. In the meantime, be excited.. be very excited.



5 Responses

  1. So I sat in front of Rita this week-end and pretty much the first thing out of my mouth was “I have no idea why I am here” but oh spirit sure did! Guess I’m on the right on path. Thanks for sharing your light, wisdom and good humor.

  2. Thank God!!! And I can finally your entire report! Def a sign of good times to come!! Great job this year, Ro – always thinking of you & so glad you “do what you do”!!! Thanks for sharing so much insight you fearless girl!!

  3. Thank you Ro, I can always count on your words of wisdom to put things in perspective and to revive my spirit!