So alot either got cleared out last month or is on it’s way out. We are finding we cannot resurrect what it dead…. nor should we want to. What we can do is transform what was, into something else or in certain cases leave it all behind and move on. This month– November— will support both of those themes. Either we will transform something — a terrible situation into something positive, a relationship from one form to another, a thought into a higher form, an emotion into purpose, our current health/body into a different state, a crisis into an opportunity…. or we will cut our losses and move forward into something completely new. Change is always a little unnerving if not downright scary but if you come from the place that you KNOW you are always Divinely guided and protected, if you KNOW your Spirit is in charge, if you TRUST that every single thing (even the bad stuff) is for your highest good-then you release resistance and come into your peace.

November is going to be a fast moving month. I know— how much faster can it get- wasn’t it just April? We will feel the outside pressure of the holiday season and the internal pressure to get it all done. We will be going into our natural state of reflection and looking at all that we created and experienced this year (and maybe past years as well). we will be pondering what we want to create next, what fits, what doesn’t, what works, what doesn’t. We will be assessing our lives (and let’s hope not comparing them) and figuring out where we hold our power, stand in our truth (or don’t) and where we need to find the inner reserves of resilience, strength, courage and assertiveness to go for what we want to create next.

A friend of mine, PJ, and I were talking and she asked me why I thought Bill Cosby’s wife stayed with him all this time– because of the money she thought? I said I believe it is because she was too fearful to be on her own. How would she manage? How would she pay her rent? Who would take care of her? Where would she go? Maybe she had never been on her own? Maybe she would loose everything, her identity, family, friends, support, her facade of her life? It would be easier to look the other way and stay in a low grade misery than to make a change of that magnitude. Now before you judge– there are many people who fear being on their own or alone.. men and women…. and they stay stuck in very bad situations believing they cannot get out. They do not realize they have the power within them to break free and live a life of peace let alone meaning and purpose. All of us will experience this sort of fear limit to one degree or another in one or more areas of our life… whether it is to retire or get a job, change our diet, join a gym, start saving for retirement, meeting a partner, letting go of a habit or addiction — you name it. We are all afraid and we all don’t always feel we have the power (or right) to make change. But the truth is just the opposite- once we take the chance, once we take the first step or action, the rest just falls into place and the we find the very things we didn’t think we would ever have.

Last month nudged us out of our comfort zone– this month opens the doors for the transformation or change. We will have to step over the fear and dig inside to find the power. Know that you are not alone (I know you aren’t) Know that you have more unseen help than you could ever possibly know. Look for the guidance that opens the space and opportunities for you to reclaim your power and move beyond your self imposed limits. This month will support fresh starts and new beginnings.

The end of the year is fast approaching. We will have a webinar on 12/30 to better understand the gifts of 2015 and how to move forward into 2016.
The light is dimming and we are moving from our conscious energy into our deep unconscious energy. Surrender to it- let it guide you and know you are always loved and guided and protected by Spirit.
Happy Thanksgiving

7 Responses

  1. So glad you are here for us all. You remind us and reassure us until we can clearly see it all. I thank you with all my heart.

  2. Dear Ro:
    What a the powerful message for November energy alert!!. You have always the right words. Thank you for the love, care and support you gave to all of us.
    My love and gratitud with you always!!!

  3. So much is going on in my life these past few months. You nail it every time, and I want you to know that your Energy Alerts have done just that. Lift up my spirit, giving me positive energy ( sometimes if it’s not) to continue on my life’s journey which is sometimes so unclear as to where exactly I’m going these days. But I know in my heart I am headed for change. Thanx Ro????????????????✊????…..????

    1. My Leslie, My friend. I am glad this resonates with you and I am glad spirit could help you– give you the message you needed through me!

  4. It’s so right on that just as I’m ready to hear something……whether as a reinforcement or a renewed awareness……Spirit always gives you the words. Thank you for all the work you put into sharing the messages. xoxoxo…always!