Spiritual Mentoring–is a powerful series of Yearlong private one on one sessions either by phone or zoom. We meet either one time a month or bi-monthly. This is for those who are truly serious about changing their lives and stepping up to the next level of living an authentic life. It is part, Soul Development and Empowerment, Psychic/Intuitive Expansion, Self-Discovery and Personal Empowerment. By choosing to participate you are stepping into a powerful container of support and taking a positive and proactive step to improve your life.
We will meet for 30 minutes by phone or zoom to discuss life situations (health, work/career, finances and relationship) from a spiritual perspective and how to manifest a life that is most authentic for you. We will discuss living in and on purpose, your destiny and how to manifest your dreams and desires as well as face and release any challenges or pain bodies that hold you back from your highest potential. We will meditate, visualize, power up, regress and excavate as needed. Most of all, we will focus on deepening the connection to and acknowledging the power of Your Soul, your connection to Divinity and your Guides, Teachers, Masters and Angels, while strengthening your intuitive voice, psychic senses and healing ability.