
Its me Ro

And here is your March 2019 Energy Alert
The whole month of March will pretty much be a Mercury in Retrograde which begins March 5th and ends March 28th. It will more about paying attention to our inner workings and not our external life or world. Because it is a retrograde through the sign of Pisces, we will have a chance to review our lives- past, present and future- from a deeper spiritual perspective.  Oh but I am sure our little egoic selves are going to push against that!  Ego won’t give up its power over us or attachments to creating chaos, suffering, pain and drama in our lives so easily- at least not at first. When the perspective changes so does our life.  When our perspective changes to the higher spiritual mind and/or consciousness we begin to create, manifest and attract, and more importantly,  experience that which mirrors peace, love joy , ease, prosperity, harmony and love in all areas of our life.  It is that simple.  How we experience something is an interior perspective.  The events through which we experience are exterior. It is the emotion you hold about a particular event that creates your experience of it.  In this third month of a “3” global year, we will have a chance to transform and clear our emotional perspective to one of a higher mind point of view.  

So what is going on in your mind? What part of you is doing the creating? These are the questions this month.  Which part of you is perceiving your life– your Soul Self or your little Ego Self? What part of you is showing up to the relationships?  To the workplace?  Which part -Ego or Soul- is handling your check book? One will create  peace of mind, body and life, the other not so much.  What is coming up emotionally this month?  What have you been holding onto internally that needs to be let go?  What story do you keep repeating over and over like a bad carbon copy? What  from your past or present do you still need to make peace with?  And what exactly is your body trying to tell you?  Is it really the gluten bothering you or is that what you think it is and are currently demonizing. Btw–anything we demonize– person, place or thing is an egoic creation in your mind that you will live out in your reality.  These are the things we will ponder while we are sitting in that traffic jam or while waiting for our technology devices to be fixed.  The Pisces element of this month is gonna take us deep– deep deep deep into our sub and unconscious programming.  It’s funny, I always seem to schedule an Past Life Regression session during Mercury in Retrograde.  This session is live in Lyndhurst NJ on March 15th from 7:30 to 10pm but I am also offering it remotely as a video conference via Zoom.us. Mercury in Retrograde is a perfect time to review, rehash, remember not just the past but what is in our Soul Memories. 

So this month March 2019, is a very powerful turning point– a pivotal, could be life changing time because the inner work we do now determines what we create, attract or manifest next.  It is a perfect set up.  It is a “6” month in a “3” global year.  6 seeks to create balance and harmony.  This month is about cleaning up our inner home, inner sanctuary and nurturing our SELF.  The “3” adds the emotional element of dealing and clearing our emotional baggage.  The winter season has us still wanting to stay pulled in, quiet and still… and represents us dealing with sub and unconscious aspects of our SELF.  The Mercury Retrograde is going to bring us into deep reflection and review.  The Spring Equinox on the 20th will add the element of rebirth and new beginnings….Perfect. And the soul- consciousness work we do this month will really ground itself in April creating a big shift for all of us in the way we experience our reality.  I find it very interesting that the library events I am doing all this month- which are FREE btw– are talks on telepathy.  Telepathy is the communication of thoughts and ideas without words- communication from one mind to another.  In this class, I often talk about how the ego and how the soul communicate with us and how  to pay attention and distinguish this so we can determine which part of us is leading the show and creating our reality.  Check out my website www.rorubcap.com for a complete listing of all my upcoming events.  I do hope you can join me for one or more. 

The Angel Message I pulled for this month is from The Mother Mary Oracle Cards by Alana Fairchild–Our Lady of Promise–I promise you new life is the first line. Whatever you release becomes sacred fertilizer for your new life. So it is time to weed the thoughts, beliefs, emotions that limit us and hold us back. It is a time to look within and see what no longer serves us, maybe what never served us and let it go.  This message confirms that. 

If you need help, I am here., I got you.  Attend one of my events, again most of them are for free or book a healing or energy balancing session with me. Right now I have openings beginning late April.  

It is me Ro

Until next month

I am wishing you Peace


Its me Ro Author of Speaking From Spirit