So we have plenty of time to get clear and focused– grounded even- and ready for our spirit creations to manifest. This winter provided us with the space to not only know what we don’t want, but to tweak to perfection our clarity on what we do want. Anything internally or externally that needed to be released, to make room for these creations, was revealed and cleared in March ( a particularly physically uncomfortable month for me as my stomach was just not right for most of it) and now we are made ready to hold our new spirit based reality. What I mean by this, is that whatever kind of life our spirit wishes to create, whatever kind of health, work, relationships and financial truth we are to experience, we are now ready to experience it. We are now ready for another level of living our authentic reality.

When I was a teen, I knew I wanted to be a mom in this life…. was I ready at 17 for that? Noooooo. I had to be made ready. I had to grow mentally and emotionally and physically. I had to have experiences first, and some that would help me be ready to fulfill this destiny. I had to release alot of things, give up some other desires (like wanting to sleep late, or have my life/money be all about me!) and be willing to make room in my life for this experience. I got clear of what I wanted ( you go back and forth when getting clear) and then for years got ready and then allowed for right timing….. Allowed!

That is where we are now in April– allowing. Everything now is in right order and we are definitely feeling like we are standing on the starting line of the race just waiting for the whistle to blow and the gate to open so we can burst forward. We are not forcing the whistle blower to blow or blowing the whistle- we are allowing this to happen when it is the right moment.

January through March, we were training, preparing, nursing/healing our wounds, resting, reviewing, soul searching, reflecting, defining, finding the help and support we needed to take us to the next level, practicing for our new event, even thinking/glimpsing what comes after we are living/fulfilling this particular piece of our destiny. We are ready and now we allow it to all fall into place. We may feel excited and not exactly sure for what or why. We may be nervous as we feel our dreams manifesting from thought/wishes into form. We have taken the appropriate actions– put out what we needed to put out and now are waiting and seeing what happens. I am noticing there is a particular absence of worry or doubt with this. Don’t get me wrong, it is there but it is not as loud as it used to me. In it’s place is a stronger presence of faith and trust. This comes from a soul knowing– basically an intuitive feeling that what you are manifesting is supposed to be.

Even people who do not do spiritual work, who wouldn’t know what I was talking about if I told them they are Spirit in a body, even those who live and create from their ego, are experiencing this “ready set go…” Somehow, their Soul has gathered enough strength and power to begin manifesting– even if it is unconscious or by default. Good to know right?

This is an 8 year, a year where we stand and own our power. A year where we release the shadow of victim consciousness (wherever it shows up) and become the victor, where we take responsibility for all we are and all we experience and create…. Where we become conscious of ourselves, our motivations, our actions, our choices, our thoughts, our emotions, where we respond instead of react, where we go for what we want even if we think it is impossible or unattainable, Where we put ourselves out there, where we see ourselves through our spirit eyes, where we come to know pieces of ourselves that are undeveloped, unclaimed or in the shadows, where we stand in our truth, where we stop playing small (or big to over compensate for feeling small), where we don’t care what anyone else is doing because we are focused on ourselves, where we stop waiting for others to get their act together so we can be happy, where we don’t compare, compete, or over compensate, where we trust we got all we need inside- and with the help of our spirit teams and fellow journeymen/women on Earth, we will succeed in fulfilling our destiny in all areas of our life- where our lives feel so authentic in every area, we could never live any other way.

So let April begin– let the spring begin and let your Spirit shine bright in this world so we may all know your Authenticity!

2 Responses

  1. Thanks Ro!! Sooooo looking forward to the new beginnings and what Spirit has in store.

  2. Thank you so much Ro. Always awaiting your energy alerts. They really help in all
    aspects. ♡♡♡♡