Most of us are feeling the push/pull right now– the push into spring, new beginning, out there energy and the pull back into the quiet, the dark, the stillness of winter. We are waking up from hibernation mode but not quite ready to bust out and feel the light. Like the seeds still under the ground and all the snow– ready but not yet right timing. It will feel like this all month, start/stop, begin/slow down, move forward/stay still.

We will be moving forward but constantly asked (by our spirit) to check in. Check in and see who is doing the creating, check in and become aware of yourself, check in and see what you are really picking up in any given situation, check in and sense with your psychic, intuitive, empathic senses. That is what this month is about.

It will be a pivotal month in how we handle and manage our creations/manifestations this year. It will feel like a test for some of us– but it is really like being in the laboratory testing out the theories. Are you going to hold your power or give it away? Are you going to believe the small you or the light you? Are you going to settle for some parts of your life being good- blessed even, but other parts in total chaos? Are you going to allow Spirit to use you to show how wonderful an authentic life can be or are you going to shrink into moods?

Let’s start with the first part. Who is doing the creating? Let’s get to the place that everything we experience in our life is our creation. This is a place of incredible power. It is easy when we like what we have created but when we don’t… well, people want to hit me when I tell them this. So everything and everyone that you experience is your creation. Own it. The good news is if you created it, you can un-create it. The question becomes “what part of you created it this?” Your Spirit? If it is filled with chaos, lack of peace, drama, pain, suffering–no. That would be a creation from your unconscious, un-healed, wounds, fragments and ego. The good news is if you created it, you can un-create it. If your kid is a mess, you finances are a mess, you keep meeting people who take advantage of you, dishonor you, deceive you, you keep getting blamed for stuff you didn’t do, you are not seen or acknowledged, your health is a shambles– you created it from a very unconscious place. Own that and really let that sink in. You will feel powerful beyond measure, even if you do not like what you created. You will feel the shift of energy move right into your being and away from the outside. Most of us will try and fix the outside– get the kid right, change jobs, partners, friends, scramble to make more money– but that won’t work (well maybe temporarily). You have to own your power before you and stop feeling defeated and victimized before you can create from your Spirit. Own it– say “I created this” There- you are no longer a victim and that is probably the most important thing. Next- remember, if I created it, I can un-create it. How? You will have no idea how to recreate but, that is a good thing. Just know there is a part of you- your spirit– that knows how to do this. What you just did by acknowledging your power is stop creating what you don’t want– you’ve stopped a pain body pattern. Now- don’t do anything. No action, no thought. Just sit with the power of knowing you hold the reins of your life– no one and nothing else does– and there is no one more powerful than you to create your life. Let any inspirition come to you of how to re create. It will be subtle, it will be small, it will be one step at a time. So we stopped the powerless false creations dead in it’s tracks- Next- put the ego piece of you that created this on notice. Let it know, it is seen and does not have the power it thinks it does, it never has. In your un-awareness of this part of you, it has been able to play, now it can’t, it has been brought into the light, into your light. Put your spirit in charge– say out loud, “My Spirit is in charge, and I now give you permission to create something different here, something better, something beyond my frame of reference”….. add…”and I ask my angels and guides to help with this also” (remember your 7 spiritual tips!!!) Now, lastly, feed the light within you. Whatever makes you feel light– prayer, meditation, rock and roll, gardening (hahahaha as if we can in most of this country right now), sing, dance, take a bath, meditate– FEED THE LIGHT POWER WITHIN YOU! Then step back and watch the outside re-create itself.

Some of us will be challenged everywhere in our lives– some of us in one or tow areas- but know we will all deal with this this month. Check for power leaks. It is always from the head– as in worry, compulsive thinking, blaming, frustration, plotting etc. Any thought that drops your energy or drags you down, any dense emotion no matter how justified… is an energy leak. Plug them up!

On the bright side, we have increased sunlight and the spring equinox helping us build the light within us. We do have support even if we don’t acknowledge or know it consciously.

It is a one/two punch this month– stop the madness and recreate. Call out the false self, strengthen and empower the true self. You can do it. I am here to help if you need me.
Love and Peace

2 Responses

  1. My dear friend. Thank you for your good reinforcing words. I take them to heart and feel illuminated by them.
    With love,
    Carole V.