It’s me Ro
Author of Speaking from Spirit
And here is your May 2019 Energy Alert
May 2019 is an “8” month in a “3” global year. We can expect the focus to be on Finances and securing not only our financial needs but all of our financial wants. Do you have a good relationship with money? Do you feel and experience ease, peace and joy when dealing with your finances, financial life— your money? Or is this a source of worry, fear, angst, feeling wrong, guilty or dis-empowered? Does your Ego hold the reigns of your money? Or does your Spirit? I am not talking about how much you have, make/earn, save, spend. And note, there is a totally different experience with these areas when your ego deals with the finances than when your Soul does. Money is just a resource to be used– much like air, water, love, energy— and this resource always supports what we value or what we find valuable. Robert Ohotto says time and energy are our Soul Currency so how about we add money to this paradigm so we always use our time, energy and money to support, enhance and further our Spirit instead of our ego. The Soul is full of joy therefore our money, time and energy will go towards what brings us and supports our joy and enjoyment. I will tell you this, when we experience a “lack” mentality (as in “I lack money– I don’t have enough, there isn’t enough”) we will experience this in all three of these areas (time, energy, money) and it is the greatest lie our ego mind has over us.
We are coming off a “7” global month (April 2019) … a month of revelation, insight, revised perception…… so how is this changing your view of what you want, what you have, what you don’t have and what you need? And more important, what does your Soul value?
Last week I told my MSU students that their generation was seriously shifting a consciousness around work/life balance. Their generation (the 17-30 year olds now) build their work around their life- instead of their life around their work. I love this. I think it is incredibly healthy and I think it is the next step in our evolution in living from Soul. My generation just tried to expand ourselves to do double duty.. to do both apotheke-zag.de. We didn’t want to miss the little league games or just want to stay at home– we did both. My parents generation– wouldn’t have considered having both. Most of their view was “what life– I work and that is what is important” or “I don’t work- my work is to be in service completely to my family”… which is major work with no pay….but these kids… they are re writing the story. They want a quality of life first and their work to fit in and support that. This is a Soul Driven Shift that will affect all of us in a positive way.