This month– “2” (2016=9 +11=2) is a month of good connections. Right people, right partnerships, right connections coming into your life. If you forge a bond with anyone– from a new auto mechanic to the right biz partner or lover– you are in a right connection. Trust that if you go into partnership with someone and it is not supposed to be, it will end before it starts. You are always being guided and protected, even when you don’t know it. So if you try to get an appointment with a certain Doctor and can’t or your blind date doesn’t show– it is not supposed to be. Consequently, if you try to avoid meeting someone or joining in a certain group or place and your spirit is guiding you to it, you will not be able to avoid it– it will show up!
Remember, it is a “9” year. Anything that is ending or has ended is supposed to. Anything that is still in your life is supposed to be here whether you want it to be or not. There would be a Soul reason for this or simply, we are not ready yet to let it go.
So the partnerships, group efforts, team work that are formed this month are right, true and lasting. One of my big collaborations this year is getting some of my kids to cook Thanksgiving with me– something I normally do on my own with a little help doing this or that from them. We’ve set aside a day (cause my Thanksgiving take DAYS to cook) that we will do this together. It is a start of a new tradition and partnership with them.
I find it VERY interesting that the election this year is in a “2” month….. a 2 month is about relationships, cooperation and finding harmony. I am counting on this energy to bring this about for this country. It is where the “me first” gives way to the group whole…. hmmm we shall see.
So what can you expect this month? Whatever seeds you planted in October, whatever you started, will take root and begin to grow. Your partnerships will corroborate these new endeavors. Again the right people, places, things and experiences will show up. What you need to do is be ready for all of it and be receptive to all of it. So you mantras “Spirit make me ready” “Spirit get me out of your way” “Spirit show me”…. and then let it flow. You want to stay in absolute trust even when things don’t seem to make logical sense. You want to KNOW not just believe that you are always guided and protected and everything is working for your highest good.
Now, I am relating this month with the global numerology but remember, you also have your personal number month you are in– and that will be the theme that the “2” is resonating in. So without getting too heady, I am personally in a”7 global month. The 7 resonates with all things spiritual, mystical, philosophical and intuitive so I can expect to meet and collaborate with people (spirit guides and power animals too) who will support this piece of me and the level I am going to now. Remember we are always moving to a higher level whether that is in our understandings, our insights, our money reality, our work, our relationships etc…
Overall this month will be a month where you feel a certain cooperation within your life…. where the struggles subside somewhat, where anything obstinate takes a back seat and where you might feel more receptive to it all. This will be much needed after this super busy year and right as we move into holiday mode.
We end this year in a “3” month and the 3 brings joy, self expression, inspiration and optimism. More on that next month.
Don’t forget to register for my year end webinar on 12/28/16– 2016 A Year Of Completion–where we will review all that this year brought us. You may also want to order your personal 2017 Numerology Report from my website that you can print out and have so you can get a heads up for what is in store for you personally in 2017.
See ya next month