Well  it is amazing how fast we have reached the end of this “1” (2+0+1+7+=10=1+0=1) global year– a year of firsts, new beginnings, finding our independence, our courage, our determination and in some cases, our will. This was also a year of innovation. I know I was summoned to be innovative in more than one area of my life this year and by the Grace of Spirit, I didn’t experience this as a struggle.  Roadblocks can make us very innovative, but faith, trust and reliance on Spirit can make the innovation serendipitous and magical.

In the January 2017 energy alert I wrote….”   It is one thing to think of the things we want to change or create, it is another thing to actually take action to make these changes.”  This year, I was very blessed to witness many of my long time friends, clients and even some family, live their dreams— make their dreams come trueWhether it was manifesting their dream job or partner or creating the family they always wanted, or manifesting the means and support to make a project or material desire come to life– I’ve seen this happen this year like no other.

I’ve also witnessed many step out of their comfort zone– maybe starting the first steps towards creating more of what they want and less of what they don’t want or taking first steps towards a destiny that is calling them.  I’ve seen people learn new things they never thought they would.   I’ve seen people plant seeds this year and do their inner work—-change from the inside so the outside can be more in alignment with their truth—- so permanent and lasting changes can happen.  I’ve seen many confront the parts of themselves that mis- create or create what they don’t want and in that awareness, gain a different power and perspective. 1′ve also seen people work on long standing ego habits, patterns and pain bodies— these are sometimes harder to break but make no mistake, once you confront these pieces you are on the yellow brick road to a peace filled life.… which is to live drama free,chaos free, abundant, guided supported, grounded in every area of your Earth life.

This was a year where many re-evaluated their path and decided it was time (and destiny) to go in a new direction– a new way.  And so the first steps were taken in that new direction. 

There were some whose rewards came from some hard inner work started years ago— progress– where the Soul power is now strong enough to make manifest a life always wanted but that couldn’t seem to make happen before. I have seen people transform themselves this year.  And really turn the corner to Soul Grounded and Empowered.  Some, I have to say,  in spite of manifesting what they long desired are still discontent.  Whether that is a projection of fear of having what you want or simply a state of inner being– a painbody—.. this would need to be corrected from the inside because the outside is clearly not the problem.

For some, the new beginnings were not wanted– but nonetheless are here.  And so this year was an adjustment to a new way of life.

I fulfilled some of my dreams this year. I spent 5 weeks at my beloved Wildwood Crest. I re-evaluated the way I work and how much I work and have implemented changes.  I’ve learned more techno stuff and investing stuff!

We started 2017  with so much uncertainty and division in this world. And sadly as we end that doesn’t seem to have changed much.. in fact it seems to have galvanized.  There seems to be 2 sides to everything yet still this is a healing.

We have seen great revelation of some really dark underground stuff  come to the surface–come to light.  And there have been many who are giving us permission (one way or the other) to reclaim our voice and speak our truth and reclaim our power and empower our Soul.  I will talk more about this past year in my webinar on Wednesday 12/27/17 7:00pm.  We will reminisce and then release this year in a cleansing and renewing guided meditation.  You can join me by becoming an ONLINE SUBSCRIBER.

So now we are at the 12th month of 2017– DECEMBER- a 4 global month in 1 global year.  We end this year the way we started– with Mercury in Retrograde.  A lot of what we do and what we experience this month will be a set up for 2018.  Plans will be put into motion, foundations will be laid for coming events and  creations. It will be a busy month and not just because of the holidays. In fact, many will do their holidays very different and there will be new traditions started.  It is a “1” year after all!  A lot of focus and thought will be on what we want to create and experience in 2018 and we will find ourselves taking the necessary steps to make these plans into realities during the month of December.

We will feel the unique and individual energy for each of us for the year 2018 begin in December– so pay attention.  It is like your psychic heads up of what you will be dealing with, understanding, experiencing, living and creating next year.  Remember,  how you respond (not react) to life determines if you are coming from your spirit or your ego.  Remember it is only the stories — the very limited and often skewed perspectives- that are in our heads that make us unhappy or miserable.  It is rarely the circumstances of our life that do that. Remember, you are the captain of your ship and get to decide what is allowed and what is not in your life.  Remember you have the power to create, attract, manifest anything that is your desire– and decide and do just that. This month and all through 2018, is a time to change the story and see things different- then live things different.  It is a time to become SPIRITUALLY GROUNDED.  Spirituality is not something you do on a Sunday morning or Friday night– it is something you LIVE every moment of every day.  It is not a concept, but like anything else, it will start there.  It is not just BELIEVING something is true or possible– it is KNOWING it and then when you KNOW it you LIVE it– and you LIVE it in all areas of your life– not just in one or some but all areas– your health, your work (for pay or not), you relationships (all of them), your finances, you mind, your heart, your body, your relationship to this world and the other world in general.  It is living in a constant state of TRUST AND FAITH  that all is as it should be in your life and that everything is in Divine Right Order…. that you are always, always GUIDED AND PROTECTED even when you don’t see it.  It is making DIVINITY the center of your consciousness, which brings only peace in all situations and areas and everything else you desire.  I am including a quote that a friend sent me– go past the religious part of it, this is not me being religious or pushing religion.  This is about the message in this quote that transcends religion and is Divine in all ways.  These are words to live by. 

Memorial of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
Luke 17:1-6
Friends, in today’s Gospel we hear Jesus speak about faith. Faith is powerful, for it is a link to the reality of God, the power that made and sustains the cosmos. Sometimes, the power of faith is manifested in spectacular and immediately obvious ways. For example, there is a long tradition of faith healing, stretching back to Jesus himself and through many of the saints. There is also the power of prayer. When some people ask in a spirit of trust, really believing that what they are asking for will happen, it happens. 

But, more often than not, the power of faith manifests itself in the courage to face trauma, sickness, even the terror of death. It is the confidence that we are being guided and cared for, even when that guidance and care are not immediately apparent.

When you live SPIRITUALLY GROUNDED,  your life becomes so much easier and peace filled.  There will be many opportunities this month to develop your  connection to SELF AND SPIRIT.  This will continue in 2018 and we will get assists (both with those in body and out of body) that can help us on our journey and in the process of living the best most authentic life we can. (more on this in the WHAT’S IN STORE FOR 2018 Webinar on Wednesday 1/24/18)

Your intentions have been heard and the practical actions to create what you desire will  be apparent through December.  Follow them and take action. In fact– use the Solstice Energy on Thursday 12/21/17 to bless all of your actions and intentions– do a ritual of allowing light and support to all you wish to create to come in.

The Merc Retro phase will last from 12/3 to 12/22(really till 12/31/17). This could slow things down for sure. Don’t get frustrated by this, instead, realize any down time or delays are an opportunity  to be very thorough and do your research  Use these times to reveal what you need to know and to prepare you completely (inside and out) for what you are creating next in your life.  We always think we are ready for what we want, but most of us have hidden mind mines that can sabotage, delay, thwart or mis-create what we want to create.  My mantra always is “Spirit make me ready for this” then I know whatever I need to weed or reveal from my subconscious will be revealed.

We start 2018 with a Full Moon on 1/1/18 (=11 or 2)– what an auspicious day!!!  2018 a “2” global year will offer us good partnerships, good connections and support to get what needs to get – DONE!  I hope I can be part of your “team” next year and that you can be part of mine! And of course if you want to know more about your own personal numerology for  2018- order a complete Numerology Report (LINK) or come to the Super Soul Class on 1/14/18, where we will discuss your personal numerology year  and how it relates to the “2” global year.  It is a great event filled with good spiritually grounded people.  
I am wishing you all a wonderful blessed Holiday Season and I hope I will see you in 2018!!!