November 2019 Energy Alert
Hi It’s me Ro Author of Speaking From Spirit And here is your November 2019 Energy Alert November 2019 is all about change. Since most of this month will be during a Mercury in Retrograde time, some of the changes that happen may be unexpected. All change, whether planned, anticipated or unexpected, requires an adjustment […]
February 2019 Energy Alert
February 2019 will be an interesting month. There could be some unexpected changes, unexpected events, unexpected news and unexpected good fortune. Now- don’t get nervous. Unexpected does not necessarily mean bad– it just means you might not have seen this coming. In the end it is all good anyway. Some good mantras to use now […]
December 2018 Energy Alert
We start this month with Mercury in Retrograde. As of the 6th, it goes direct but we will still feel the lingering effects until around the 20th or so. Let this be a time where you RE member how DIVINE YOU ARE. If fact… here is what the collective Guardian Angels would have us know…. […]
November 2018 Energy Alert
This month it is time to get down to business. Practical steps and actions need to be taken to create what you say you want. If we want change in our life… if we want more… if we want a world that is in alignment with how we wish to live then words (expression) must follow […]